The Very Large Array (Or Visiting the VLA)

Even though many months have passed since our final day in New Mexico, I still recall the events of our visit to the Very Large Array. When we last left you , Chris and I had spent the evening staring into space (literally) at an Earthship rental in Taos, New Mexico. When we awoke the next morning we packed the car and headed south. Our schedule did not permit us to see any sights while in Taos (very unfortunate) but we drove through the town on the way out of dodge. It seems like a neat place. Maybe on our next visit we'll squeeze in some sightseeing there. We left mid to late morning in order to stop in Albuquerque to have lunch at the Loving Vegan restaurant. Traveling throughout the Land of Enchantment ended up being a little challenging for we two vegans but the Loving Vegan was simply amazing. I had never had such excellent Asian food even prior to going vegan. I'll be sharing a more depth analysis in another post, however, devoted to food and not to the VLA. As soon...